Monday, June 18, 2007

Murphy's Law

Even though my kids have both been up every morning since we returned from Ireland, at 6am or before - EVERY MORNING, on the one morning when I need to be up and organized to take them to the doctors - for an 8:55 appointment - both of them are snoozing (or more accurately, snuffling) away in their beds.

You all KNOW what it's going to be like now when I go in there and wake them up.

Where'd I put my earplugs?


The Good Woman said...

Hi Annie

Sorry for not having dropped by for a few days - but not too sorry - it was great to find so many posts to catch up on. Your trip sounds great - we're pound based and I still find the UK and Ireland viciously expensive.

It sounds like it was tiring but good. Just hope your babes heal soon and all can be remembered stress free.

Brillig said...

Hahaha. Yeah. My kids do the same thing. What's up with that?

Stay at home dad said...

I echo the good woman's comments. Sounds like a holiday that will need some de-briefing!

lady macleod said...

ooh my ears! You know how sound carries over the water!

Shauna Loves Chocolate said...

I know! Nicholas always wakes up earlier on weekends than on weekdays. Good luck. Love the pics, by the way!

Annie said...

Thanks all! Baby J has Bronchiolitis - lovely! And Miss E has now broken out in batches of hives, which appears to be related to this stinking cold virus they have, now we have our first encounter with Benedryl. Knowing our luck, and the way our day has gone so far, she'll likely be one of those kids that goes hyper, rather than drowsy - I'm watching with baited breath!

Fun times eh?

Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

Oh yuck! Our kids did the same thing to us, on Father's Day. Would've been a lovely day for a sleep in, except for early morning church meetings, which we had to scramble to make it on time too.

Sorry about having to deal with the sickies. That's so rough, and having to wake them up, even rougher!

OhTheJoys said...

Okay... MINE wake up at 6:00 every day of my life if not before. Ouch!!!

Sugar Kane said...

Kids have wonderful timing don't they? Hope it went well!

Annie said...

OTJ - ouch is right! Now I'm grateful that 7 to 7:30 doesn't seem that early after all.

Sugar Kane - everything went okay - virus, and they just have to get over it themselves. Their Dad and I have it now too, wonderful!

Anonymous said...

Sneaky little devils, aren't they? Mine are the exact same way. Always foiling my plans..