Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Happy Christmas!

I know most people here say 'Merry Christmas' - but I'm sticking with 'Happy' - as it's what we've always said.

So, Happy Christmas from all of us, to all of you!


wakeupandsmellthecoffee said...

Merry/Happy Christmas to you and yours, Annie. I'm so glad the news on your biopsy was good, and I hope your little guy is on the mend.

Anonymous said...

OMG, I hadn't been by in awhile. My, is J growing up or what? He looks so much older. E is such a cutie. Hope your holidays were happy indeed!

lady macleod said...

BEAUTIFUL! Just beautiful! Happy Christmas (as I have always said) and the Happiest of New Years!!!!

Jennifer said...

Well I know I'm LATE, you can see how long it's been since I opened my reader!

Happy Christmas to you!

And happy new year!

Those children of yours! They couldn't be more adorable!!

Heather said...

What an adorable photo of the kids. I love their plaid outfits and matching red hair :O)