Thursday, November 8, 2007

Professional Preschooler

Miss E has a whole two mornings of Preschool under her belt. She has taken to it like a duck to water, like she's been doing it every day of her life.

She waltzed into her classroom without a backward glance, leaving her Daddy and I in her dust. We each had to go in after her and ask her for a goodbye kiss and hug.

When I picked her up both days, she was upset. "I don't want to go home!" came her cry. So, this either means she's having a blast at Preschool, or that days at home with me are so pathetic for her, anything has to be better! I'll convince myself it's the former.

I asked the hubs as we were heading back to the carpark after dropping her off that first morning "Well, how does it feel leaving your big girl at Preschool?", he just drew in a big breath and said " That was hard". Who knew he was such a softie?

I'm delighted that all seems to be going well so far. On Monday I didn't know what to do with myself while she was in school. I took Baby J to the grocery store for some errands and it was very weird having only one in the cart, or at least not having to constantly berate Miss E for wandering off.

I get to see everything in action at the School tomorrow, as it will be my one morning this month to help out. I am delighted to be doing this so soon, as I'll see what the schedule is like and will be able to picture her day more accurately once I see how it all works.

Once we get into the swing of things I'm hoping that Baby J will enjoy some more quality time with me all to himself, and that I can get more blogging , housework done!


Dea said...

Love that time to yourself! Ella used to do playschool when we were in Mayo, but haven't been able to find one I like here, nor do I have the transport to get her there if DH is working! *SIGH* But real school starts in September! Glad it's going well for your Miss E!

Julie Pippert said...

So glad it's going well. :)

My kids hate to leave school too and I take it as the former, too. And a little bit of transitioning, too.

Using My Words

Brillig said...

Oooooh! I'm glad she's doing so well! My kids are the same way-- the walk into school and don't look back. It's awesome, in a "wait, why don't you miss me?" kind of way. :-D

AliBlahBlah said...

Glad the drop-off is going so well. Hope it continues (my daughter had a similar 'honeymoon' period, and then after a couple of weeks starting getting a bit teary - but that was brief). I'm enjoying your blog after stumbling on it via Not Wrong Just Different.

Anonymous said...

OH! Such a wonderful thing!

Yay for her!

Jennifer said...

Good for Miss E! And lucky for you!!

Life As I Know It said...

Sounds like the transition to preschool is going great! Congrats!

Bananas said...

Oh I am SO glad that she is transitioning well. Enjoy your "time off"!

Jen said...

What a sweet post :)

My son likes kindergarten more than home, too. I am not as exciting as he would like :(

lady macleod said...

What it "means" is that you are doing a splendid job. I know it does not help. Well I remember being prepared to sit quietly, and in plain sight until Q was ready to spend her 1/2 day of pre-school without fear - ha! please, seconds it took! seconds! "Bye Mum" Children that age have no consideration, well adjusted little peckers!

Iota said...

The road to independence is bittersweet for the parent. It's dreadful leaving a clingy child, but it's not that great leaving one who is happy to see the back of you. (I've done both.)

Catherine said...

I'm hear for the first time, via Brillig. Its nice to "meet" you!

I think I do blogging instead of housework too. I just realize that. Is that bad...?


Christine said...

I'm so glad to hear she's loving certainly made the right decision!

I have three mornings a week now when BOTH kids are in school. Talk about weird...I've had plenty to do with the move and all, but it's just odd not to have someone yelling, "MOM!" all the time.

Anonymous said...

You know you have picked the best school for your kids when they don't want to leave. Glad to hear it's working out.

shauna said...

That's great news! It's miserable leaving a crying child. It must be comforting to know she's having such fun.